Learn the skills to make a difference.

Pigeon Football run mental health workshops and certifications in local football communities. We're committed to helping our customers improve their awareness of mental health and start to learn the skills that will help make a difference.

Mental Health Awareness Workshop.
1 hour, face to face.
Football Clubs, groups.

Face to face (up to 200 people) or online (up to 20), this session is designed as an introduction to mental health and to get people thinking about their mental wellbeing.

The course will improve your knowledge and understanding of mental health disorders and how they affect people every day.

Topics covered:
- An understanding of the prevelance of mental ill health in society;
- Explanation of what mental health encompasses;
- Highlights what behaviours to look out for in yourself and others in regards to poor mental health;
- Removing perceived stigma around mental health;
- Normalizing the topic & language;
- Sharing experiences;
- Identifying triggers;
- Practical tools to keep yourself on the good side of the mental health spectrum;
- Understanding what support structures are available should you or a friend need them.

Note: This course is not a therapy or a support group.

Who is it for?
Aimed at football clubs, the session is tailored to specific age groups so keeping the attendees in rough age brackets is recommended. Can be indvidual teams, similar age divisions or larger groups in the club.

Anyone who cares for the wellbeing of people around them. The mental health crisis isn’t going away. It will effect all of us at some time in our lives. The more we understand the more we can help.

Mental Health First Aid Certification.
6hrs online learning (self paced) + 4hr face to face split over two sessions.
An individual adult representative of the school or club.
It is a hands-on, practical response course to help you support someone experiencing mental health issues. ​In order to prevent long-term mental health complications and the possibility of suicide, early intervention is key.

This course aims to familiarise you with the signs and symptoms of poor mental health and equip you with the tools needed to support people with issues such as depression, anxiety and panic attacks.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to recognise changes in behaviour and offer an informed response to help somebody in need.

Who is it for?
- Individual club representatives who can use the skills learned to become a player wellbeing officer or simply a mental health ambassador within the club.
- Individuals with an interest in further understanding mental health and how to approach certain situations.
- Individuals who have been touched by mental ill health in any form and wish to upskill themselves in the hope to make a difference if called upon in their own worlds.

Building, supporting and inspiring High School Students
Flexible, generally 1 hour, face to face.
High Schools, similar age groups, eg. Years 7+8, 9+10, 11+12

The schools program empowers students to be ready to face what life will throw at them and gives them the tools to recognise mental health signs in themselves and their friends. The team will talk WITH students rather than TO them to ensure the content is highly relatable and easy to digest.

Topics Covered:
- Provide a clear overview of what mental illness is.
- Changes to watch out for in yourself and loved ones (signs and symptoms of common mental health issues.)
- Ways to approach loved ones you are concerned for.
- Where to go for professional help.
- Practical strategies to stay on the positive side of the mental health spectrum.
- Workshops can also be tailored to focus on specific challenges your school may be experiencing.

Who is it for?
- High School Students
- Generally splitting into three groups is best, years 7+8, 9+10 and the seniors 11+12 but can easily be run for specific groups large or small.

Previous Session

We ran our first #letstalk session on the 15th July, 2020. Run over zoom, with a great attendance for our first session which shared insights into the prevelance of Mental illness in Australia and a broader discussion around mental illness awareness.

The session is designed as an introduction to mental health and to get people thinking about their mental wellbeing.
Daniel C.
"Great work, really good. Very Worthwhile! Just starting the conversation is important."
Andrew B.
"Thank you for running the session - some great practical tips that i'll be more aware of in my day to day."

Previous Session

Another successfull workshop, this time for our like minded friends Ally & Steve at 12RNDS boxing gym Bella Vista. An opportunity for Pigeon Football to continue their mental health mission, the session was run by Man Anchor founder Steve. It was a great night that fostered safe conversation and learnings.

Previous Session

Continuing our mental health mission, we jumped at the opportunity to run a session at 'Tapered The Barbershop' for owner Baz and the passionate, caring community of young men he has fostered - many of them footballers (bonus points if you can spot the Socceroo!).

Mental health is important for everyone, but for young men in particular the stats are overwhelming.

Mental health in the Football community is our mission, but running sessions for smaller, like-minded communities like this one is equally important / rewarding.
"This is Huge, well done Baz. The world needs more of this ❤️"

Previous Session

Seemingly never-ending lockdowns, home schooling, working from home and outlets like community football competitions abandoned we decided to put on a free (virtual) session for anyone who wasn't feeling themselves.

We discussed all things mental health and with a particular focus on wellbeing and practical tips to help us feel our best during these difficult times.

Our best turnout to date - and some great feedback from some very grateful attendees from right across NSW.

Want to discuss getting your team, club or mates into a similar workshop? Drop us a line - we'd love to discuss all the options.

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Stand out from the rest. Having a certified mental health first aid officer at your club, school or academy will set you apart.